No build-in ads, no pop-ups and other disturbing stuff. Change your boring home and lock screen with a great selection of stunning HD wallpapers under different themes. You can also edit your most beloved images and turn it into something real, i.e. a phone case of your own taste and have it delivered to you!
*Optimized for iOS 8 and iPhone 6 (Plus).
*Browse Today Wallpaper from AppleWatch.
*Ads free wallpaper app with no disturbing stuff but images.
*Great selection of stunning HD wallpapers, specially designed for iOS8
*Random, recent and most popular categories to surprise yourself with most recent hot wallpapers.
*Frequent updates of wallpapers ready for your pleasure.
*Waterfall preview for a smooth and quick glance of images.
*Edit your favorable image and make it a phone case of your own, and have it delivered to you in a snap.